Recycling Programs

Household Hazardous Waste
Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) management has become an increasingly popular social and environmental activity. The District facility in Ashley, IN has a permanent HHW disposal location. The HHW program is tailored to accepting the more problematic household items such as paint thinners, used oil, antifreeze, kitchen cleaners and pesticides and herbicides.
The District has installed a specially designed containment building for the sole purpose of safely storing collected materials. NISWMD is open to the public one-half day per week, to accept those household items that you may wish to safely dispose of. A trained technician is on site during the acceptance hours to classify and safely store incoming material.
The household hazardous waste drop-off program is an outgrowth of previously held tox-days. Although very popular, tox-days can be very expensive. By implementing a permanent HHW collection, the District is able to provide the infrastructure and maximize service for the dollar expended.
WHO — Residents in DeKalb, LaGrange, Noble and Steuben Counties have the opportunity to recover the items listed below.
WHERE — Ashley facility – 2320 West 800 South (located on State Road 4, one mile east of I-69).
WHEN — Operating schedule: FRIDAYS ONLY, 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
WHAT — See list below for materials accepted and applicable fees.
There will be a per vehicle fee between $10.00 and $65.00 depending on load size – NISWMD is not equipped to handle credit or debit cards. Fees must be paid with cash or check.
Used Motor Oil | Asphalt Sealers | Pet Shampoo & Sprays |
Automotive Fluid | Roofing Tar | Fertilizers, Lawn & Farm |
Oil Filters | Cleaning Fluids | Pool Chemicals |
Gas & Oil Mixed | Drano | Weed Killers |
Antifreeze | Oven Cleaners | Bug Sprays |
Latex & Oil Base Paints | Granulars | Aerosol Cans |
Thinners & Strippers | Stains |